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Upgrading Your Aging Bathroom

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The bathroom is one of the areas of your home that can become extremely worn down over the years. In addition to making it a potential eyesore for your property, there are also some functional impacts that this could have. You will be able to address some of these issues by investing in renovating your bathroom, and there are several upgrades that can be particularly impactful during this process.

Upgrade The Shower Enclosure

A shower enclosure is an upgrade that you will be able to make to your bathroom that can both improve the look of this area of your home along with providing some practical gains. For example, the shower enclosure can prevent moisture from splashing on the walls and the floors while you are showering. This benefit alone can potentially save you from very expensive water damage repairs in the future.

Improve The Ventilation

Improving the ventilation of the bathroom can help to lessen the humidity that can form after you have taken a shower. While this humidity can make the bathroom an unpleasant place to be, it can also contribute to moisture damage occurring to the walls and other surfaces in the bathroom. In particular, the formation of condensation on these surfaces will be able to lead to rot, mold, and even mildew forming. While your bathroom may already have a primary vent system, you may want to upgrade this system so that it uses a more powerful fan. By making this upgrade, the vent system will be able to more efficiently remove the humid air from the bathroom so that it can be a more pleasant place while also reducing costly damages.

Add Shower Shelving

A common problem that people will have with their showers is a lack of usable surfaces. This can make it difficult to keep shampoo, soap, and other personal care items in the shower without it becoming cluttered. The addition of shower shelving is one way of reducing this problem as it will provide you with areas to keep these items so that the shower space can remain as organized as possible. This may not require structural changes to the bathroom as you may be able to use shower racks with suction cups to temporarily install them in the shower space. While it may be possible to attach these devices to the shower enclosure, you should be careful to avoid adding too much weight. Otherwise, you could cause damage to the glass.
